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Unique21 is a research + creative consulting agency with brand consulting and design as its core, committed to letting each brand find its true self.

Based on research and insights
Focus on providing brand research consultation, positioning, creation and reshaping for leading (large and medium-sized) companies in various industries

We don't follow trends
We clarify and accurately define business issues. We think independently, conduct real research and explore the unique soul of each brand to sort out, shape and inspire it to make each brand unique and timeless...

Use the power of brand to make You become a leader in your field and make the world a better place!
Create for every unique soul
Let you be the original brand the unique brand the better brand
Unique21 is a research + creative consulting agency with brand consulting and design as its core, committed to letting each brand find its true self.

Based on research and insights
Focus on providing brand research consultation, positioning, creation and reshaping for leading (large and medium-sized) companies in various industries

We don't follow trends
We clarify and accurately define business issues. We think independently, conduct real research and explore the unique soul of each brand to sort out, shape and inspire it to make each brand unique and timeless...

Use the power of brand to make You become a leader in your field and make the world a better place!

Unique21是以品牌咨询与设计为核心的研究+创意型咨询机构, 致力于让每个品牌找到本来的你,基于研究和洞察专注于为各行业头部(大中型)企业提供品牌的研究咨询、定位、创建与重塑。








Create for every unique soul

Unique21 is a research + creative consulting agency with brand consulting and design as its core, committed to letting each brand find its true self.

Based on research and insights
Focus on providing brand research consultation, positioning, creation and reshaping for leading (large and medium-sized) companies in various industries

We don't follow trends
We clarify and accurately define business issues. We think independently, conduct real research and explore the unique soul of each brand to sort out, shape and inspire it to make each brand unique and timeless...

Use the power of brand to make You become a leader in your field and make the world a better place!

Founder / Art Director: Hongbin

创始人 / 艺术总监:弘彬

Unique21 is a research + creative consulting agency with brand consulting and design as its core, committed to letting each brand find its true self.

Based on research and insights
Focus on providing brand research consultation, positioning, creation and reshaping for leading (large and medium-sized) companies in various industries

We don't follow trends
We clarify and accurately define business issues. We think independently, conduct real research and explore the unique soul of each brand to sort out, shape and inspire it to make each brand unique and timeless...

Use the power of brand to make You become a leader in your field and make the world a better place!



弘彬先生毕业于鲁迅美术学院平面设计专业,并任该院客座讲师。之前曾先后任职于国内知名的深圳韩家英设计公司、国际最顶尖的Interbrand及品牌创新咨询机构根元咨询任设计副总裁。并带领团队先后取得德国IF,红点设计大奖,全球品牌重塑(美国 REBRAND、香港环球设计大奖、意大利A design award、 Transform award等国际奖项。


服务过的客户:  银联国际、中国建设银行、浦发银行、浙商银行、招商银行、深圳农商银行、宜信集团、联想控股、中国建设科技、新华社、中广核、国航、深圳航空、万科地产、华润置地、上汽集团,观澜湖高尔夫球会、三棵树漆、宇通汽车、复星医药、科兴制药、张江高科、怡宝、客如云等。



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